Academic appeal − A request for reconsideration of an academic matter where a decision has been made under the institute internal examination/evaluation.
Academic grievance − A situation not subject to an academic appeal as defined above where a student believes that they have suffered an academic disadvantage.

The consideration of student academic appeals and grievances is resolved by the following principles:
- Student complaints (appeals and grievances) will be considered in a timely manner.
- Delay in submission of complaint may be accepted with a valid reason.
- The procedures for considering student appeals and grievances will be transparent and easily accessible to students and staff.
- Where possible, efforts will be made to resolve an appeal or grievance informally before the formal procedure is invoked.
- The appeal or grievance will be considered by independent and unbiased decision-makers who observe fair and impartial procedures.
- The final decision will be based solely on relevant evidence and information.
- All appeals and grievances received in writing will receive attention.
- At any time the student has the right to withdraw an appeal or grievance.
- The student having an academic appeal is first expected to approach concerned subject teacher after getting the answer script/overall evaluation from the concerned subject teacher within 2 days to resolve the same. The concerned teacher will rectify the error if any and update the student data in the records. The grievance of other nature can be directed to the concerned head of department
- If the issue still persists, the student is required to approach the head of department within next 3 working days. The second opinion by another senior faculty member will be taken to resolve the matter of appeal. The grievance of other nature should be resolved by the concerned head as per guiding principles.
- Even if the issue is not resolved at the head of department and concerned subject teacher level, the student should fill in the “Academic Grievance/Appeal Form” and submit the same to office of the controller of examinations and during his absence to the office of the institute director. A committee of relevant subject experts will redress the grievance finally.
Academic Grievance/Appeal Form