Policies & Procedures

Service Rules

First approved in meeting of the Board of Governors under agenda no.12 dated 15/03/07

Amended in meeting of the Board of Governors under agenda no. 21 dated 31/10/13



  1. All posts at the Institute shall normally and, as far as possible, be filled by advertisement: but the “BOG” shall have the exclusive power to decide, either on its own or on the recommendations of the Director/Principal that a post be filled by invitation, or by promotion from amongst the members of the staff of the Institute.
  2. All appointments of the staff of the Institute shall be ratified by the “BOG” of the Institute as recommended by the Director.
  3. Appointments, as notified by the Director in the institute will be created on an ad-hoc, Temporary and regular basis as per the requirement of actual manpower, from time to time. The manpower requirement shall be ascertained on the basis of the minimum essential norms prescribed by AICTE or the appropriate authority from time to time.
  4. The appointment of the Director/Principal and all other teaching faculty members shall be finalized on the recommendations of the Selection Committee as per rules in vogue. However, pending approval of their appointment recommended by the Selection Committee, the Chairman “BOG” may appoint the Director/Principal and or members of the teaching faculty on a temporary basis, on such terms and conditions as recommended.
  • For all others appointment (Technical) shall be made by the HOD and for the remaining non-teaching employees, Registrar shall take all necessary steps under the directions of the Director.
  1. Every appointment made at the Institute shall be reported to the “BOG” at its next meeting.
  • The members of staff of the Institute shall be classified as:
  1. Academic: This term shall include Director/Principal, Professor, Training & Placement Officer, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Lecturer, Visiting Faculty, Workshop Superintendent, Associate Lecturer, Assistant Lecturer, System Manager/ Analyst, Scientific Officer, Librarian, Sports officer and such other academic post as may be decided by the “BOG”.
  2. Technical: This term shall include Supervisor, Foreman, Instructor (Workshop), Laboratory Technician, Junior Technician, Junior Engineer, Mechanic, Laboratory Assistants, Computer Operator Horticultural Assistant, Stores Assistant, Estate Assistant, Medical Staff, Steward, Maintenance Staff and such other technical staff as may be decided by the “BOG”.
  3. Administrative and Others: This term shall include Administrative Officer, Registrar, Assistant Registrar, Accounts Officer, Audit Officer, Stores Officer, Estate Officer, House Surgeon, Medical Officer, Programmer, Chief Store Keeper, Office Superintendent, Personal Assistant, Stenographers, Steno Typist and such other administrative and other staff as may be decided by the “BOG”.
  4. Cleaning and other staff: This term shall include Security Guards, Gardeners, Safai Karamchari, Skilled and Unskilled Attendants, Peons and such other staff as may be decided by the “BOG”.
  1. The selection committee for the selection of Director/ Principle and other members of the teaching faculty shall be constituted as per AICTE/ KU guidelines. The selection committee will judge the suitability of all candidates for the position of Director/Principal and other members of the teaching faculty. The dully constituted selection committee shall recommend the candidature of the recommended candidates to the Kurukshetra University for approval. On approval of the proceedings of the selection committee, the letter of appointment to Director/ Principle shall be issued by Chairman, Board of Governor. The letter of appointment to the teaching staff shall be issued by Director/ Principle.
  2. Every appointment whether temporary, probationary, contractual or permanent is subject to a “Certificate of Fitness” issued by a registered medical practitioner approved by the Director/ Principal. This condition may, however, only be relaxed by the Chairman “BOG” at his discretion, in special cases.
  3. The appointments such as ad-hoc, temporary contractual or part-time shall be made by a dully constituted selection committee consisting of Director, concerned Head of Department and an expert of the area. The proceeding of this selection committee shall be approved by Chairman, Board of Governor. After the approval of the proceeding the appointment letter shall be issued by the Director.


Appointment of all non-teaching staff/employees will ordinarily be made on probation for a period of one year. In case of unsatisfactory performance, the period of probation of an employee may even be extended by another year by the Director.

The Director shall have the power to extend the period of probation of an employee of the Institute for such period as may be found necessary, provided that if after the period, the official is not confirmed, and, his/her probation is also not formally extended, he/she shall be deemed to have continued on a temporary basis and that his/her services may then be terminated on a month’s notice or on payment of a month’s salary thereof. Notwithstanding above in the interest of the institution Chairman, Board of Governor may waive off the probation period of any employee.


All appointment to posts in the Institute shall ordinarily be made on probation for a period of one year after which period the appointee, if confirmed, shall continue to hold his office subject to the provisions of the Service Rules, till the end of the month in which he attains the age of superannuation.


  1. The Director shall have the power to terminate the service of any member of the staff by giving one month’s notice during the period of probation or employed on ad-hoc, temporary and contractual basis.
  2. The Director shall have the power to terminate the services of any member of the staff by three months’ notice or on payment of three months’ salary in lieu thereof, if on medical grounds, certified by the medical authority nominated by the “BOG”, his/her retention in services is considered undesirable by the “BOG”.
  3. The Director shall have the power to terminate the services of any member of the staff on grounds of retrenchment by giving to the person concerned six months’ notice in writing or on payment of six month’s salary in lieu thereof.
  4. An employee of the institute may terminate his/her engagement by giving the institute three months’ notice in writing, provided that the Director may for sufficient reason, either reduce this period or call upon the employee concerned to continue till the end of the academic session in which notice is received, unless otherwise agreed to by the institute and the employee.
  5. In the event of any violation whatsoever of the terms of employment of service Rules or any breach of trust or commitment or any act prejudicial to the interests of the Institute by an employee, his/her services may be terminated by the Director without any notice or payment in lieu of notice.
  6. Service of an ad-hoc, temporary contractual or part-time employee shall come to an end on completion of the specified work for which he/she was employed or on the expiry of the period for which he/she was appointed whichever is earlier. But, before the expiry of the said period or work, as the case may be, service of the employee could be terminated by the Chairman “BOG” by giving one month’s notice or one month’s salary in lieu of notice without assigning any reason, whatsoever.


Every employee of the Institute shall retire on attaining the age of superannuation. Extension or re-employment may be given in special cases only at the discretion of the “BOG” if deemed fit.


The services of a temporary employee shall be liable to termination at any time in writing given either by the employee to the appointing authority or by the Director to the employee. The period of such notice shall be one month unless otherwise agreed to by the institute and the employee.


Notwithstanding anything contained in these Service Rules the appointing authority may, in special circumstances, appoint an eminent person on contract for a period not exceeding five years, with a provision for a further period, on such terms and condition as it may deem fit.


The pay scale to be followed for the Director/Principal and another member of the teaching faculty shall be in accordance with the regulations prescribed by the State Government from time to time in the approved pay scales and grade pay. Other allowances shall be paid as per the financial position of the society.


As far as possible and under normal circumstances, every employee shall be paid his/her salary on or before the 10th day of each succeeding month.


All payments to an employee of the Institute are subject to deductions at source under the Income Tax Act and any other enactment that may be in force at anytime during the period of his/her appointment, including professional, service tax if any.

The Institute shall also be entitled to deduct from the payment due to any employee and dues payable by him/her to the Institute.


All employees shall subscribe to the Provident Fund by contribution to be deducted from their salary in accordance with the PF Act and Rules as may be applicable from time to time. The institute shall contribute to the Employees Provident Fund in accordance with rules of the PF Act from time to time.

The contribution made by the Institute to the Employee’s Provident Fund shall take the place of pension and gratuity and no provisioning for either shall be made separately.


All employees shall have to file a nomination paper with Institute nominating one or more persons authorizing/right to receive the amount that may stand to his/her credit in the Institute, in the event of his death before that amount has become payable or having become payable, has not been paid.


In case an employee is required to travel for official/academic work, he/ she shall be reimbursed travelling expenses in accordance with rules laid down in this respect by the “BOG”.

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Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology (PIET)